الخميس، 16 أبريل 2015

Rattlesnake toxic

Rattlesnake toxic.

Was so named because of Alcilgel sound that stems from the tip of its tail when moving.

This type is a series of corneal sectors hollow, soft communicate with each other.

There are Afarb 30 species of snakes in the world.

It is a member of the pit viper family toxic.

The length of these snakes between 61 and 122 cm.

It has a huge body and head flat on the form of a triangle.

And her Napan Taiwiltan Geoffawan interconnected poison glands.

Food habits:

Snakes eat these birds, lizards, small rodents Calcnajp ground, small rabbits, and rats,

And mice.

Young snakes eat once every two weeks, while the young eat once weekly.

Environment and field:

There are snakes Alcilgelh only in the Western Hemisphere, mostly in the Americas.

She lives on grass land, hills, deserts, swamps and grasslands.


Snakes Alcilgelh do not put eggs; the eggs remain in the mother's body until Tfqs, and then the mother gives birth to young alive.

After birth, these young lives far from the parents of snakes.


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