الجمعة، 17 أبريل 2015

Cobra King

Cobra King
It is the longest venomous snake which reach a length of 5.6 meters for, and this type is mainly feeds on other snakes, live King Cobra in the forests and stretches an area from India to East Asia until the Philippines and Indonesia, despite its name "Cobra" Valkopra King is not a cobra, but belong to a particular sex by

Cobra King
Introduction to the King Cobra:
King Cobra strong and large snake ranging in length usually between 3.4 meters and weighs about 6 kg was the longest known sample of 5.7 meters long and weighing 6 kg and was the snake in captivity at a zoo in London and then killed at the outbreak of World War II, while the heavier sample was live at the Royal Peninsula Club in Singapore in 1951 and weighed 12 kg and then found the heavier sample was captured and placed in a zoo in New York, where she weighs 12.7 kg and a length of 4.4 meters in 1972, the length and weight of the snake depends on the region and on other environmental factors, and despite from the huge size moving Cobra King sudden quickly

Serpent is a color Olive green or black leather and striped accidental pale faint stripes along the body ventral part of the body is a color diabetes or pale yellow, young be a color glossy black with occasional lines of yellow and narrow, the head of the snake's huge and scary Although head size small proportion of large prey is able to expand his mouth to swallow a huge prey actually, Omar Cobra King arrives in the wilderness for 20 years

Differentiate between Cobra and King Cobra:
King Cobra is the only snake belonging to the genus ophiophagus while real snakes cobra Vtantma genus Naja can be distinguished Cobra King of the real cobra the size of the head cover and inscriptions, where the size of the head of King Cobra cover larger than the head of a cobra hood and there is a guaranteed way to differentiate between the two types and is considered the highest top of Cobra King will There are nine scales are only found in the King Cobra as the picture:

Nine scales top of the head
Cobra King South Asia and South East Asia and rarely inhabit southern China and live in high-dense forests and prefer areas interspersed with swamps, lakes and streams have fallen king cobra prepare for violating sanctities and the destruction of their habitats

King cobra head and show him the nine scales
Behavior and the senses:

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Cobra King, like other snakes receive chemical information (smell) by tongue HTTP and that captures the odor molecules and transmitted a special receptor sensory (Jacobson device) located in the roof of the mouth, when it is monitoring prey graduated Snake tongue constantly to determine the prey, as well as the King Cobra rely on sight in determining prey sites (may Cobra King to determine prey if they were just 100 meters), as well as the King Cobra sensitive to Ahtzazat the ground to help them track down prey, after that characterize Cobra King prey are swallowed slowly and then digesting, King Cobra, like most snakes decoding with a flexible elastic straps and is linked to the greatness of the box that will allow him to open his mouth 180 degrees so he can swallow prey larger than his head
King Cobra active and hunters at all times, but the lack of vision Tkmenh night made him diurnal activity

King cobra snake eat a mouse
Although the King Cobra are trying to avoid humans normally but if he faced a human will not run if and tried to provoke it will become aggressive and will threat is done on the front of her body and extend her neck and showing its teeth and Ths loudly may easily get angry if approached by an object too much or move in sudden but cobra may surprise you more and Thajmk few seconds even if you're just two meters, and because of this very serious snake prefers to escape the beginning of what provoked the warning and they live in dense forests, they rarely faced by humans
If you encounter a King Cobra predator such as some types of mongoose that resists cobra venom, the King Cobra will try to generally escape and if it can not do so it inflates his hood, hissing strongly and directs a quick strikes closed mouth without biting because it does not benefit from it usually futile it can cobra overcome but not always

Cobra King in case of attack
Sex Cobra King is "ophiophagus" means "eat snakes," where trace Cobra King diet consists mainly of snakes, including snakes mouse, Python small and some snakes and other small toxic and even other snakes cobra, when food is scarce feed Cobra King on some vertebrates such as reptiles, rodents and birds, after eating a large meal remains Cobra King for months without food because of the slow rate of metabolism as mentioned Fujbh King Cobra is a snake mouse, which always seeks behind and that we may find King Snake in human settlements as a result of behind rat snake that lives in human settlements quest

Small Cobra King

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Cobra venom harmful King nerves as well as the heart and other organs, the poison is mainly composed of proteins and multi-peptide, through the bite is pumped 1.25-1.5 cm from the poison begins poison attacking the central nervous system symptoms include severe pain, blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness, and paralysis may develop command to stop the collapse of the heart and blood vessels and then the victim is in a coma and then death due to respiratory stop is known that if the victim survived would be inevitably renal failure

Devoted female King Cobra at the time of her life and they are dedicated to their young fathers in the care of their young and protect them where you create a nest for them and bring leaves and surrounded by Bash and Bash remain until the eggs hatch and the young emerge
The female usually puts 20-40 in the nest and stay on the nest to protect the young and be at that time, very aggressive and attack any creature approaching, remain female for 60-90 days in the egg is the bosom of eggs protection at a temperature of 28 ° and when the eggs hatch, the female nest leave immediately and go to search for prey so as not to eat their young, the young kids 45-55 cm long and has quite strong km cm in adults and be of colors and is a stark warning signs (not Tgtroa Bhb I am stronger than you think) and with the growth of these colors fade

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